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Village of Massena

Tax Collector - Daniel Case 315-769-7052
Property Address: 17 Randall Dr Owner:
Holcomb Warren (LU)
Holcomb Sarah (LU)
17 Randall Dr
Massena NY 13662
Account #: 1-366-9
Bill #: 4086
Tax Map #:
SWIS Code: 405801
School Code: 405801
School District: Massena
Land Assessment: $12,700.00
Total Assessment: $83,000.00
Tax Before Star: $1,021.80
Star Savings: $0.00
Front: 88
Depth: 125
Acreage: 0
Book #: 1999
Page #: 15453
Roll Section: 1
Class: 210

Levy DescriptionTax ValueTax RateTax Amount
2008 Massena Village 78983.0012.94$1,021.80
Total Tax: $1,021.80

Payment History

(Payments made to the county directly may not be reflected on this site.)
DateCommentsAmountPaid By
06/01/2008Tax Bill$1,021.80
06/09/2008 ($1,021.80)Owner

Tax Due: $0.00 *

* Does not include penalties or fees, if any.

Penalty Schedule

This table shows the penalties that will be due for late payments on this property.
Pay ByPenaltyFeeTotal Due
07/01/2008$0.00$0.00$1,021.80 **
08/01/2008$51.09$0.00$1,072.89 **
09/02/2008$61.31$0.00$1,083.11 **
09/30/2008$71.53$2.00$1,095.33 **
** Does not include returned check fees, if any.